Ispecx uses the industry's best report text editor in the cloud

40+ powerful editor features

Everything you expect from a rich text editor and much more ...

We have removed all report layout limitations and brought back the simple word processor editor! Your report templates have ZERO restrictions! Yes, we know, It is about time you can run your business YOUR way!


    Improve your productivity, writing & template creation experience

    Ispecx automatically cleans up content from Microsoft Word and other HTML sources to ensure clean, compliant material that matches the look and feel of your inspection site. 

    If you paste content from Microsoft Word into your app, you probably know the published page usually doesn’t match the site’s style. Fonts can be different, images missing and formatting not the same as their original document.

    Improper site code can be time-consuming for users to fix, and usually involves manually editing HTML. Our editor automatically “cleans” posted content, fixing these issues. It can also automatically upload images to a server, helping you spend time on more productive tasks.

    Content from Microsoft Excel

    Ispecx also makes light work of pasting Excel content into your app, automatically creating HTML compliant tables in the process.

    While developers are very familiar writing HTML tables, most content creators don’t know where to start. And then there’s the issue of manually entering their Excel data into the table. Not having the ability to copy and paste isn’t a fun experience either.

    For users of both Word and Excel, our system will dramatically improve the content production experience you deliver to your clients.

    Content from the internet

    If you cut and paste content from the web into your app – which includes almost everyone – our editor works its auto-magic.

    Just as it cleans up rogue formatting from sources like Word, it does the same for internet content. Need to grab a quote from a website for your blog post? Our editor removes classes, minimizing the chance of unwanted CSS overriding your stylesheets.

    It also does the same for images, automatically linking to the source image URL: perfect report content, every time.

    Video & Media is so easy!

    Ispecx editor makes it easy to add an enhanced content creation experience in your website or app with enriched media previews from the most popular web sources. Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, NY Times, Vimeo, Hulu, Tumblr, CodePen, SlideShare, TechCrunch, WordPress, Twitch, Spotify … and many more!

    By easy, we mean easy. The service automatically “looks behind the link” to see whether a URL in the editor points to a rich media source. That URL will resolve into an enhanced media thumbnail whenever possible.

    After all, we used the editor to create this website!