
Guardian Financial Software Integration

Ispecx credit card processing with Guardian Financial Services. Home inspectors can easily accept payment on the same platform as their home inspection software.

Guardian Financial Services is a payment processor and merchant service provider. This type of account authorizes you to accept credit or debit cards online. They have worked with home inspectors and the industry for over 14 years. You contact their owners directly to walk you through the process and get set up.

We partnered with them for their superior service because they have access to the best rates from payment gateways like (payment gateways securely authorize payments for websites, much like physical point-of-sale terminals in retail stores).

Other details:

  • No contract
  • No setup fees
  • No cancellation fees
  • $10 monthly fee for the merchant account & gateway
  • Debit Transactions: 1.70%
  • Communication Fee: .30
  • Credit Cards: 2.69%
  • Rewards Cards and Corporate Cards 3.29%


  1. Enable accepting payments through your ispecx account (Profile>Payment Settings)
  2. Call Guardian to get a merchant and Authorize gateway account set up that allows you to accept credit cards
  3. Link your Authorize gateway account to your ispecx account
  4. Make sure your booking emails include a link to your client’s ispecx dashboard
  5. You’re readily accepting payment before inspection!

Interested in learning more about accepting payment online?

Visit our partner page on the Guardian’s site to get started.

Speak with Guardian directly at 1-208-271-8715. Ask for Daniel Alanis and let him know ispecx sent you.