Under the Organisation's Admin user profile, you will find the Company Setting Tab.
Set the default Appointment time for when you the time you want the 1st available appointment.
Set the Pending Color Code to the color you wish to display on the calendar for all Pending Appointments.
Set the Public Link Expire time for when your want the shared public link used to access inspection reports to expire.
If your Organisation collects tax check the tax box and enter in the rate.
Inspectors Availability
Set your team's availability under the left dashboards Calendar Tab, select User Availibility.
Select an inspector to set the times they are available for inspections.
The number at the left of the inspector is the inspector's priority number. Inspectors with lower numbers will show on the calendar as a priority to fill. Once the inspector's priority is filled the next in line will show. You can set all inspectors with the same number to have all be as available if Priority is not needed. This allows the Senor inspectors to have full schedules over the new guys.